Louis Goubin
- 2021: Promoted to Distinguished Professor (classe exceptionnelle 2ème échelon) by the National Council of Universities (CNU).
- 2014: Promoted to Distinguished Professor (classe exceptionnelle 1er échelon).
- 2009: Promoted to Full Professor (1ère classe).
- 2008-...: Head of the Cryptology and Information Security Group at UVSQ (PRiSM Laboratory until 2015, and now LMV Laboratory, UMR CNRS-UVSQ 8100).
- 2004-: Professor of Computer Science at University of Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
- 2001-2004: Head of the "Cryptography Research & Advanced Security" group, Schlumberger / Axalto.
- 1996-2001: Cryptography Expert, Bull CP8.
- 1997-1999: Maths Professor at CNED (French "Centre national d'enseignement a distance"): training for the French Agrégation de Mathematiques.
- 1995-1996: Military Service: Maths Professor at EMMST (École Militaire, Paris, France).
- 1993-1995: Teaching and Research Assistant in Mathematics at Paris XI University (Orsay, France).
- 2003: Paris VII University (France)
- "Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches" diploma (Title: "Théorie et Pratique de la Cryptologie sur Carte à Microprocesseur"). Advisor: Professor J. Stern.
- 1992-1995: Paris XI University (Orsay, France):
- PhD Thesis in Pure Mathematics (Title: "Sommes d'exponentielles à coefficients multiplicatifs"). Advisor: Professor H. Daboussi.
- 1989-1993: École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France):
- 1987-1989: Lycée Louis-Le-Grand (Paris, France):
- 1984-1987: Lycée Henri-Wallon (Valenciennes, France):
- 1987: Baccalauréat with major in maths and physics, first class honours.
- 2021-2025: PEDR (Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche)
- 2021: Recipient of the CHES Test of Time Award
- 2017-2021: PEDR (Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche)
- 2013-2017: PES (Prime d'Excellence Scientifique)
- 2010: Best Paper Award at CHES 2010: joint work with Alexandre Berzati and Cécile Canovas-Dumas.
- 2009-2013: PES (Prime d'Excellence Scientifique)
- 1987: Third accessit (Maths) and "Mention régionale" (Physics) of the Concours Général.
- Protection of cryptographic algorithms against physical attacks
- Cryptographic protocols for privacy protection
- Multivariate cryptography: new schemes, cryptanalysis
- Stream ciphers
- Elliptic curves, pairings
- Obfuscation and white-box cryptography
- Hash functions: design and analysis